Monday, February 9, 2009

I'm Here!

Well hello everyone! I finally made it here! It's good to be out in the world. It's crazy out here, but good.

I'm just writing a quick note today. I have some eating to do, and I can't stay far from the milk for long.

First things first...I'm happy and healthy! Doc says I'm doing great out here and taking to the world quite nicely. There are so many things to see and hear and touch and smell, etc. It's great to finally see Mommy and Daddy's faces. I think I sit and stare at them as much as they sit and stare at me, and that's a lot! OH so I finally got to see my puppy Tango. Wow is she big and LOUD! She seems to really like me though. She is always checking on me to make sure I'm okay, and she is a great protector. If anyone comes within 100 yards of the house and she sees them, she barks at them like she is going to eat them! (Between you and me, I think she could too if she wanted...did I mention she is HUGE!) Things are going great for all of us. I'm growing like crazy. I can feel myself getting taller and heavier each day. I'm not lacking for meals that's for sure! I'm already finding out things I like and don't like. I love being held, which is good because Mommy can't seem to put me down. I love my bouncy chair. I love going for walks. I love riding in the car. I love having my diaper changed...and I HATE my baths!

So I'm sleeping 6-7 hours at night now. Mommy and Daddy LOVE me for this! After I get up, this is what our days consist of...change, eat, go back to sleep, wake up, change, eat, talk and dance with Mommy or Daddy, sleep, wake up, change, walk Tango, eat, tummy time, play, change, eat, get the idea. It's a pretty koosh life I lead! They do say I have quite a temper when I don't get my bottle immediately, but that's their opinion. I think I'm just outspoken that's all. Oh and when I have company I visit with them. I have had lots of family and friends coming to see me! I have so much fun meeting them all.

Well I better run for now. Like I said, there's food to be eaten! I had Mommy attach some pictures she took of me today so you all can see how I've grown. She says she's going to do a "real" photo shoot of me soon whenever I decide to "cooperate"...I don't know what she's talking about. I'm VERY cooperative. HA!

See you all soon.
Kaiden Rose

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Last Post...Sort Of

So this is it. This will be my last post from within my little house. The next time you hear from me I will be out in this great big world tackling it head first!

Mommy & Daddy took me to my last doctor's visit today. Doc did her exam and one last sonogram just to make sure I'm okay in here. Verdict...I'm happy and healthy and not wanting to come out! Mommy's body is all ready, the doctor says I'm in position, but of course I'll come when I'M READY!! Well at least that's what I thought until the doctor gave Mommy and Daddy a choice of inducing (making me come out against my will; they are throwing their parenting weight around already) or wait it out a while. They sided with me a little bit. Mommy and Daddy both would like for things to happen naturally, IF I will cooperate. They would like for Mommy to go into labor on her own. So...what they decided was to wait it out a week; if I don't come this week then they have an appointment to induce Monday morning! The choice to wait only a week is due to my size. The doctor is estimating me to be around 8 lbs. They don't want to wait too long and chance me being a 9 pounder! OUCH! Either way I will be there in less than a week! Mommy and Daddy can hardly believe it's almost here! They both seem so excited. Even though Mommy says she feels great and loves every minute of being pregnant, she sure seems to be trying to get me out. There will certainly be paybacks for all these LONG walks her and Daddy keep taking me on. It's not fun sloshing around in here to Mommy's "speed walker waddle". One way or another I guess they are getting me out very very soon!

So if I don't see you this week, I'll see you Monday for sure! I can't wait to meet everyone! Being in my little house has been great, and I just know the big adventures waiting for me out there will be even better!

Can't wait to meet you!

Little Miss Baby Ruff

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Oh So Close!

I thought I would stop in while Mommy was doing some work on the computer and write a little update. This will be short and sweet because Mommy doesn't sit for too long these days. Her and Daddy are going here and there, doing this and that making sure everything is done before I get there. Speaking of getting is the update from this week's appointment! We are dilated to 3cm now! Our doctor says she believes I will be there within the week!! It's all very exciting. Everyone be ready for that phone call, email or text. It won't be long now.

See you soon!
Little Miss Baby Ruff

Sunday, December 28, 2008

And So The Countdown Begins

Well, well, here we are at 38 weeks today. I'm full term at this point, so that means all I'm doing now is fattening up. Mommy and Daddy think I'm going to be a big baby. Mommy says I fill up her whole tummy! For Mommy's sake I hope I'm not too big.

Things have been a whirlwind, a good whirlwind, here lately. Christmas has already come and gone. Mommy says it's sad that the holidays just flew by. We did have lots of family around for Christmas so that was fun. There was LOTS of talk about ME!! Who doesn't love to hear good things about themselves? This year Mommy and Daddy spent Christmas at our house since Mommy can't travel. Everyone came here at some point or another...Granny Connie, Great Granny Mac, Uncle Wess, Aunt Alyson, my cousins Justin, Josh, Brooklyn and Berkeley, Grandma Pat and Grandpa John. It was all SO MUCH fun!

Now we are just in the waiting game phase. I haven't decided how I want to play this one for Mommy and Daddy yet. I don't know if I want to speed things up and come a little early, or make them sweat it out and come late. Mommy went to the doctor Friday and we are dilated to 1 1/2 cm already. That is all just part of my plan to give them a little tease...let them know I'm on my way but still keep them guessing as to when the big day will be! The doctor told Mommy it COULD be any day now so just be ready. That goes for everyone. Be ready! You could be getting that phone call any day now, but I'm not giving any hints of when I'll decide to make my grand entrance into this world!

Stay tuned. I will be here before you know it.
SEE you all soon.

Little Miss Baby Ruff

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Showers And Appointments And The Holidays...OH MY!

Okay, okay I know. It's been almost a month since I blogged last. Keep in mind it's not all my fault. Mommy is partly to blame as well. I'm only able to blog when she brings me into the office, and well her and Daddy have been really busy getting ready for the holidays, writing thank yous to all our wonderful friends and family, getting my room ready and not to mention keeping up with that Tango. She's a 95lb mess, but our good mess! (I heard Daddy say that).

So let's get caught up. SHOWERS...Mommy took me to two showers that were just for me! Mommy's friends at work threw a shower week before last. All the voices I'm so used to hearing every day were there. We had a great time. There was lots of laughing, good food, games and gifts. Thank you to everyone! I can't wait until I get there, and can finally put faces to voices!

Mommy took me to another shower last Saturday in Jacksonville. It was our last trip there until I'm out of my LITTLE house. No more traveling for Mommy...that's how close we are to my arrival! There were lots of good friends and family there. We had so much fun visiting, catching up, eating and opening presents. Two of Daddy's aunts (and Mommy's too now) from South Dakota came with Grandma Pat. That was exciting because I had heard lots about them, but not gotten to hear their voices before. There was also family there that hadn't seen Mommy with her 'baby bump'. It was fun to hear their reactions to my "LITTLE" house that's sticking out for all to see. Mommy had so much fun with everyone, which in turn, means I had fun! Thank you to everyone who came, and to all Mommy's wonderful friends (our other family) who threw the shower. It was wonderful, and we love you all very much!

Thank you to everyone for all the great gifts, cards, warm wishes and prayers you have sent my way, and all before even meeting me. Mommy says there have been so many fabulous things sent my way already, and that we are truly blessed to have such caring people around us every day!

On to APPOINTMENTS...Mommy is taking me to the doctor weekly now. We finish our 36th week today, and only have 4 weeks left. YIKES!!! Am I really ready for this big, wide world? HA! Who am I kidding, OF COURSE I am! The question is, is the world ready for me? As Mommy and Daddy say...I'm going to be a red-headed, sassy handful, but I promise to be the sweetest handful! Okay so I got off track there; back to appointments. Our last appointment was this past Tuesday and everything is right on track. I'm measuring good, my heartbeat is good, Mommy is healthy AND we have started dilating!!! We haven't gotten too far in that process yet, but it's beginning and that's exciting! We will know more this week at my appointment, so I'll update everyone on my status Thursday. Either way, it won't be long now. Mommy and Daddy can hardly believe it's almost here!

So last but certainly not least is HOLIDAYS...Mommy's side of our family will all be coming to our house for an early Christmas celebration this weekend. We are all so excited! Since Mommy can't travel anymore everyone decided to come here so me, Daddy and Mommy aren't without that side of the family for Christmas. It's going to be so much fun! I can't wait to have my cousins Justin and Josh around again. Now Joshy is really excited for me to get there, and says he's going to help Mommy and Daddy take care of me. I sure hope Justin has warmed up to the idea that I'm a girl, but if not, it's like Mommy says when she's teasing him, "You are going to love this little girl more than you thought you would love any girl" hehehehe. I guess we'll see about that. From what I understand Justin has a mind of his own as well. Something else very exciting about everyone coming is that Brooklyn and Berkeley will be here! I can't wait to hear their voices (well Brooklyn's, Berkeley is too little to talk yet). I haven't gotten to 'meet' them yet and I'm so super excited. Mommy and Daddy can't wait to see them too! Mommy says she is anxious to see how big Miss Brooklyn has gotten, and to meet Miss Berkeley! So much fun! Everyone should be here by Friday night, so let the fun begin!!

Well I believe I have 'talked your ears off' enough for one day. I will keep you posted on my progress and whether they think I'm going to be early, late or on time. Either way, get ready because here I come!!

Until next time (and I won't let Mommy make me wait a month),

Little Miss Baby Ruff

Monday, November 17, 2008

What A Week...Or Two

Wow! It's been a while since I've posted. There's been a lot going on in my outside world. Where to begin...

Let's start with Mommy and Daddy. They have started taking classes at the hospital to prepare themselves for what is about to come. I don't know if they can be quite prepared for a child like me...but hey, at least they are giving it a shot. So far they have taken the infant CPR class, which is VERY important. I'm going to need to know my parents are prepared for any scary situation that may arise; I am very precious you know. They both did great, and completed CPR with flying colors. Now we are on to the Childbirth class. They are learning lots of information on how to care for me once I get here (tips and tricks, dos and don'ts), the hospital (specifically the maternity ward) and labor & delivery. Good thing the last one is included, they BOTH need to get an eye opener of what is to come on that very special day of my birth! I just hope they can keep it together for the remaining two weeks of the class. What I mean is...anyone who knows Mommy and Daddy, knows they can have a blast together no matter where they are. They can also get each other so tickled that they can't even breathe. Well...that has already happened once; they got the giggles in the middle of the class and couldn't stop. Literally they COULD NOT STOP! They even got other couples in the class so tickled that they couldn't stop giggling either. Thank goodness their teacher has a great sense of humor or that could have been trouble. That's good for me though, sounds like I have many years of laughing and fun with Mommy and Daddy. They still have two more classes to come, so I'm anxious to see how those go too!

On another note, I am doing fabulous. Mommy took me and my not so little house to the doctor last week. My house is measuring just as it should be. My heart rate is great, it's in the 150s. Mommy's health is good too. We are going to the doctor every two weeks right now, but will start going once a week here soon. I can tell I'm really getting bigger day by day, and I know this because it's getting more and more cramped in here. I'm moving around a lot trying to get comfortable, which isn't that fun for me, but apparently a complete joy for Mommy and Daddy. They really get a kick (no pun intended) out of it. I guess my movements on the outside of Mommy's belly are pretty big now. I hear lots of "WHOA" "Did you see that" "That was a BIG one"! I was 32 weeks yesterday, so there's not much time left until I'm out in the big, wide world and everyone can see me squirm and kick in person!

Finally my BIG news! One of my new best friends was born Tuesday, November 11th! We weren't sure if I would have a best girl friend or if I would have a new boyfriend because Aunt Shannon didn't find out what she was having in advance. Well at 11:07 pm my new best girl friend came into the world...Ruby Grace! I'm so excited to meet her. Mommy loves her already and says she's just perfect!

Well there were lots of exciting, new things to update everyone on. I hope I covered it all and didn't forget anything. I will keep you posted on all my antics over the next several weeks until I'm there in person.

Until next time,
Little Miss Baby Ruff

Friday, October 31, 2008

It's Ready!

"OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! IT POSTED! IT POSTED!" is all I heard coming from Mommy's screeching voice last night, followed by Daddy's calming voice saying "That's great! I don't even know what that means though." After Mommy took me for a quick, jumping run through the house I finally figured out what all the excitement was about...Our diaper bag is ready!!! I had Mommy attach some pictures, courtesy of the madebyhank etsy site. It is absolutely GORGEOUS! Mommy kept saying how it was even better than she had pictured in her head! It is perfect; it has everything we will need...durability, washability (yes, I made that word up), plenty of room, pockets galore, handy dandy clips, etc. I will, no doubt, have the most incredible diaper bag of all the kids around!

If you didn't have a chance to check out Katie's site from our last madebyhank post, here's another shot. You will be very happy you did!

Thanks Katie!! You made my Mommy very happy!

Little Miss Baby Ruff